Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The question about seeking answers

Recently I met a person who asked the spouse: "Tell me why you married me?" Often I hear similar questions like "why do you love me?", "what do you like about me?", "what do you see in me?", "who am I to you?", and so on.

These questions are probably fine once in a while but when one hears it often then perhaps doubt has arisen. Sometimes the doubt about an other has a basis and the spouse takes courage to bring it up for clarification. At other times, it can arise from the concept of "self" in terms of: self-doubt, lack of self-confidence, self-loathe, and so on. Such types of doubt require more than just answers from the spouse or a loved one.

So when someone asks "why do you love me?", it might be worthwhile to address the significance of the answer to that "self" who asked: How does it matter to your self in seeking that answer?