Monday, December 22, 2008


Though Michael died only in April this year, I felt motivated to read through again what I had wrote as a message of support to his family. Perhaps this is a time of Peace that invites me to recollect and draw strength for the coming year. A particular phrase stood out for me:

' ... your stories about how you "stood" on other's shoulders reminded me that I had been doing the same. And you have become one of the shoulders that I stand on too.'

I hardly knew Michael in person but somehow the knowledge of his works and the brief interaction with him has influenced the understanding of my own life. Over the years, I wonder how many other "shoulders" have I unknowingly stood on. Teachers, friends, classmates, platoon mates, colleagues, and even authors and playwrights whose books, plays, music or films have moved me in some ways. I seem not to be standing alone and feel my life is enriched and supported by others regardless whether they are aware of their contribution.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

看完你的留言, 我把多年藏在心中的苦给哭出来了。一个陌生人尽会给于我鼓励。
Thank you