Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Where or what is the source of my passion?  Some might say it comes from the joy of helping others who are lost, from a sense of fulfillment in contributing to society, or from doing good works that will lead me to heavenly rewards.  Somehow such generalisations don't seem to fit.

As a therapist, I am invited to a privileged position where I can facilitate another to explore different paths in life.  These paths may be small trails that were ventured into but long forgotten.  Or they could be paths currently taken but the scenery overlooked.  They can also be paths round the corner, unseen and therefore brings about anxiety. 

In this privileged position, I am also influenced by the stories of others as we jointly explore such paths.  There is a sense of intimate exchange taking place, intimate in the sense that it is something uniquely personal and therefore sacred.  Out of this exchange, new meanings are constructed.

Making meaning out of others' life also leads to the creation of new meanings in my own life.  And this is where my passion springs forth.

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